Building Your Invitation Timeline

Wedding invitations can be an overwhelming task to cross off your wedding to do list. When should you mail them out? How much postage will you need? The questions could go on forever. That’s exactly why we’re breaking down your wedding invitation timeline today. 

Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations are the first line of communication you have with your guests, so you want to ensure you plan accordingly. One factor you need to consider when building your invitation timeline is the type of wedding you’re planning. We’re not talking about dress codes or themes (we’ll cover that in another post) but more like if it will be a local or destination wedding. If most of your guests are local and will not be traveling from out of town, you don’t have to plan as far out in advance then a destination wedding. If most or all of your guests will be traveling for your wedding, you must give them ample time to create their travel plans. 

For local weddings, we recommend mailing out your wedding invitations anywhere from eight to ten weeks before the wedding date. For destination weddings, we recommend ten to twelve weeks before your wedding date. Regardless of the type of wedding you’re planning, try leaning more towards the later date to give yourself and your guests more time to prepare. Unfortunately the post office is not what it once was and it’s not uncommon for mail to take longer to arrive. Take a look at our invitation timeline broken down by month below. 

Monthly Breakdown

Please remember this is a rough estimate as we do not know your exact wedding date!

January Wedding – November Mail Out

February Wedding – December Mail Out

March Wedding – January Mail Out

April Wedding – February Mail Out

May Wedding – March Mail Out

June Wedding – April Mail Out

July Wedding – May Mail Out

August Wedding – June Mail Out

September Wedding – July Mail Out

October Wedding – August Mail Out

November Wedding – September Mail Out

December Wedding – October Mail Out

Curated Invitation Timeline

We’ve said it once, but we’ll say it a million more times, the longer you give yourself the better. If you’re interested in learning more about your invitation timeline, inquire with us today! We provide all potential couples with the exact window we recommend mailing your invitations. In addition, all our clients receive a custom curated timeline that maps out our entire invitation process to ensure we’re right on track. To learn more about our services and custom invitations, contact us here!

Hi, I'm Addie

Artfully Overjoyed is a custom invitation and design studio located in Saint Louis, Missouri. We specialize in crafting bespoke invitations for authentic moments, believing that thoughtful stationery should honor your journey.

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